A secure, easy to setup and portable private cloud solution powered by Red Hat Ansible and OpenShift.
The following documentation will help you deploy an Community Distribution of Kubernetes (OKD) 4.x cluster, on a single node. The installation steps deploys a production like OCP4 cluster, in a environment with 3 controlplanes and 3 computes on a KVM hosts running Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)
Refer to the Getting Started Guide to ensure RHEL 8 is installed. You can jump back to this page one you have RHEL install. You don’t have to go through with the rest of the steps on that page.
Download and extract the qubinode-installer as a non root user.
cd $HOME
wget https://github.com/Qubinode/qubinode-installer/archive/main.zip
unzip main.zip
rm main.zip
mv qubinode-installer-main qubinode-installer
cd $HOME/qubinode-installer
./qubinode-installer -p okd4
The install will prompt with for input, one of those input is the Custom Cluster Deployment Options. You can just choose option 7 to continue with the default deployment as described in the above diagram. Or you can choose any of the other options to deploy a different size cluster.
You can deploy the latest release of OKD4 and use the latest Fedora CorOS by following the steps below before running the qubinode-installer.
Get the lastest OKD4 release name
Grab the release name from the okd Github.
Then follow the steps below.
cd $HOME/qubinode-installer
cp samples/okd4.yml playbooks/vars/
Edit playbooks/vars/okd4.yml and upate the variable ocp4_release.
ocp4_release: 4.4.0-0.okd-2020-05-23-055148-beta5
Set newest Fedora CoreOS Qcow image tag
Edit playbooks/vars/okd4.yml with the latest tag.
major_version: "32.20200601.3.0" #e.g. 32.20200601.3.0