The Qubinode Insaller


A secure, easy to setup and portable private cloud solution powered by Red Hat Ansible and OpenShift.

View the Project on GitHub flyemsafe/qubinode-installer

Qubinode Openshift Cluster Operations

The cluster is deployed with a DNS server by default to provide DNS resolution. You will have to point to the DNS server running on the Qubinode in order to access your cluster.

Get the IP address of the dns server

./qubinode-installer -p idm -m status

Should return some similar to this:

     IdM server is installed
    Webconsole: https://qbn-dns01.lab.example/ipa/ui/
    IP Address:
    Username: admin
    Password: the vault variable admin_user_password

    Run: ansible-vault edit

Option 1: Update /etc/resolv.conf


Edit /etc/resolv.conf and add the ip address of the IdM server.

sudo vi /etc/resolv.conf

The result should be:

search lab.example

Using a script

curl -OL
chmod +x
./ idm_server_ip openshift_url

Option 2: Have your home router or NetworkManager forward DNS queries

If your home router is built on openwrt or uses dnsmasq for DNS, you can have it forward all dns entries for your OKD domain to the IdM server.

You can also do the same thing with NetworkManager.


The examples below assume you have ocp4 deployed. If you have deployed okd4, just replace ocp4 with okd4.

Tear down the cluster

This will remove the cluster, this includes all RHCOS vms and removing dns entries.

./qubinode-installer -p ocp4 -d

Report the status of the cluster

./qubinode-installer -p ocp4 -m status

Shutdown the cluster

./qubinode-installer -p ocp4 -m shutdown

Startup the cluster

./qubinode-installer -p ocp4 -m startup


To configure nfs-provisioner for registry

./qubinode-installer -p ocp4 -a storage=nfs

To remove nfs-provisioner for registry

./qubinode-installer -p ocp4 -a storage=nfs-remove

To configure localstorage

./qubinode-installer -p ocp4 -m storage -a storage=localstorage

To remove localstorage

./qubinode-installer -p ocp4 -m storage -a storage=localstorage-remove


Add / Remove computes to UPI cluster


Add additional computes to your cluster, the example below will add one additional compute to your cluster. If your current compute count was 3, this would make it 4.

The value for count can be 1-10. The count is from 0-9, a count value of 10 will result is nodes 0 - 9.

Add new computes

./qubinode-installer -p ocp4 -m add-compute -a count=1

Remove computes

./qubinode-installer -p ocp4 -m remove-compute -a count=1

Configure 20 users on OpenShift using .htaccess

sudo pip3 install passlib
ansible-playbook  -vv playbooks/ocp_htpasswd_users.yml