The Qubinode Insaller


A secure, easy to setup and portable private cloud solution powered by Red Hat Ansible and OpenShift.

View the Project on GitHub flyemsafe/qubinode-installer

OpenShift 4.x Standard Cluster Deployment

Please refer to Installing an OpenShift 4.x Cluster on a Single Node before continuing here.

Run the below command to kick off the deployment of 6 node OCP4 cluster. This will consist of 3 controlplane 3 computes and NFS for persistent storage. Each node will be deployed with 16 Gib memory and 4 vCPUs.

cd $HOME/qubinode-installer

Select Option 1: Continue with the default installation

This will perform the following

Installation Screencast


Deployment Post Steps

Accessing the cluster web console.

Additional cluster operations commands are avialable here

Troubleshooting Guide

Troubleshooting installation