The Qubinode Insaller


A secure, easy to setup and portable private cloud solution powered by Red Hat Ansible and OpenShift.

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OpenShift 4.x Custom Deployment

All custom cluster deployment options defaults to 3 ControlPlane nodes. A cluster with 3 nodes is smallest cluster deployment size supported by the OCP4 installer. When deploying 3 nodes only, each node gets assigned the role of compute and controlplane. Each cluster is deployed with NFS for persistent storage.

  1. Minimal Cluster Deployment Options

    Two options are available for systems with less than 128 Gib memory:

    • A 3 node controlplane/compute cluster for systems with only 32 Gib memory
    • A 4 node cluster, 3 controlplane and 1 compute for systems with 64 Gib memory

    A minimum of 6 cores is recommended. The 3 node option deploys each node with 10 Gib memory and 4 vCPUs. The 4 node option deploys each node with 12 Gib memory and 4 vCPUs.

  2. Standard and Custom Cluster Deployment Options

    Three options are available for systems with more than 128 Gib memory:

    • A 5 node cluster 3 controlplane and 2 computes
    • A 6 node cluster 3 controlplane and 2 computes with the option for local storage
    • A custom option to increase the number of computes and memory, vpcu, storage size for each node

4.4.15 is deployed by default to change see below

## Deploy the cluster

Please refer to [Installing an OpenShift 4.x Cluster on a Single Node](/qubinode-installer/qubinode/openshift4_installation_steps.html) before continuing with this install.

Start the installation with the below command. The installation will run then present you menu to choose from.

cd $HOME/qubinode-installer
./qubinode-installer -p ocp4

The menu options.

      1. Minimal 3 node cluster
      2. Minimal 4 node cluster
      3. Standard 5 node cluster
      4. Standard 6 node cluster with local storage
      5. Custom Deployment
      6. Exit

   Enter choice [ 1 - 6] 6

Deployment Post Steps

Accessing the cluster web console.

Additional cluster operations commands are avialable here

Troubleshooting Guide

Troubleshooting installation